Friday, March 4, 2011

Elastic Toddler Belt Twist

I hate it when we get all excited about something and then it doesn't work...

A couple days ago we had a customer email us with a great twist on how to get more bang for your buck with your elastic toddler belt.  We're ALL about practical and economical solutions to things, and hers was all that and more.

So we teased you about it on the Facebook page.

And tonight it totally went bust for us.

We'll share it with you anyhow, along with how you can try and make it work for yourself, and how it didn't work for us.

Her issue was that some of her son's pants don't have belt loops, which make the elastic toddler belt useless.  She was planning to email us and see if we could make something that had clips instead of the snaps, when she realized she could combine the 2 ideas for a fraction of the cost.  She went to her local craft store and picked up some clips - similar to those we use for our mitten clips.  She looped the elastic toddler belt through them, snapped them up, and voila!  Problem solved.

So I was all excited to snap some pictures of how it worked tonight using our mitten clips.  Problem is, the hole on our mitten clips is no match for the snap.  So I can't get it to loop through to close.

That said, there are BAZILLIONS of manufacturers of clips, and no two are exactly the same.  Obviously some on the market have a bigger space than others (after all, hers worked!).  So if you measure the length of the post on the snap, and head to your local craft/fabric store, you just might be able to get it work for you, too.  And if that happens, we'd love an email on who makes the clips so we can share that information with our fans!

Nothing like a major let-down on a Friday night!  We'll do some shopping around as well, and see if we can't find some that will work.  Or, if you can't wait and love the idea of an elastic toddler belt made with clips instead of snaps (for the belt-loop-less pants), drop us an email at and we'll hook you up.

PS - Looks like gas prices aren't the only things on the rise lately.  If you haven't purchased a $5 elastic toddler belt yet you may want to soon.  We're trying to maintain our prices as long as we can, but in the re-stocking of supplies we're starting to see a lot of increases which will means a few product price increases in the near future...