Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Starting Fresh

I don't know about you, but I love starting fresh.  I'm the one you call when you want to clean out your closet because there is nothing more satisfying than not looking at the same ol' stuff anymore.  You know what they say about how if you've had something kicking around your closet for a year and you haven't touched it, chances are that you aren't going to in the next year either.

That's sort of how we're feeling right now.  We're basically sold out of stock.  I've got a few bibs, blankets, headbands, hair clips and soother clips, but otherwise we've done a pretty good job of cleaning house the last couple of weekends.  And that means a chance for us to start fresh.

I'm not kidding when I say that between the two of us we've ordered something like 60 yards of fabric in the last week or two.  The first batch came today and we're like a couple of kids at Christmas thinking of what we're going to ear mark for what.  In fact, as soon as I hit publish on this post I'm going downstairs to start cutting out more and more projects.  Corn and Apples Festival in Morden isn't far away, and we've also got something a little fun planned for our Facebook page in August, so we can't be out of stock for long!

I'd love to show you all 60 that we've ordered, but I'm not even sure I remember what they all are (isn't that half the fun?!).  Here's a little taste of what I know is on order.  If you see anything you love tell us your vision for it!  If all the dresses I've been sewing lately are any indication, you are far more creative than us!  yourplayfulpeanut@gmail.com!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Soother Clips

Let me start by saying that we love our ribbon soother clips.  But just because we love the old, doesn't mean there isn't room for something new!

I'd bought these supplies a while back, but then got sidetracked with a few other projects (in other words, have you seen some of the cute dresses that are being posted almost daily?!).  Someone recently contacted us to see if we made such a thing, and so the supplies were dug out, and it was time to try something new...

What do you think?  Doesn't it look like the most delicious string of bubble gum?  They are available for purchase.  Cost is $8 each, and they'll hit the website soon, but you can email if you want to be among the first to have one - yourplayfulpeanut@gmail.com

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dresses, Dresses, Dresses!

We're never short on ideas of what to make...  Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves just thinking of what to do next.  So I have to admit that sometimes we pick and choose what WE think, over what YOU think.

Silly, silly, silly.

We held an Open House a while back, and Courtney got to talking to us about whether or not we made dresses.  Our response?  WE're capable, we just never had as part of the 'biz.  She was in need of matching ones in size 1 and size 9, and that's not something you can find in the store.  So inspired by her, we got a pattern, got looking at some fabric, and then posted it up on Facebook.

And then realized that we should have probably started making dresses eons ago.  But that's water under the bridge.  :)

Anyhow.  The only unfortunate postscript to this little story is that Courtney's dresses didn't turn out just like we'd hoped.  You see, we order a lot of our fabric from the states (and it breaks our hearts because we love to support our fellow canucks, but the price and selection just does NOT compare).  In all the time I've been ordering fabric from the states (and we're talking well before the playful peanut days), I've never had an issue.  A week/10 days and it's here.  So I ordered up what she wanted, and we waited.

And waited.  And waited.  And WAITED!  Until 2 days before her scheduled family picutres at which point we opted to wait no longer...

Courtney seemed pretty okay with the final result (basically picked from the masses of fabric in my basement), but I will admit to being pretty disheartened at how it all went down.

At least, I was until I saw the pictures on Meaghen's phone while sitting at Carman Fair.

What do YOU think??  Or can you even get past the ridiculously adorable family to even focus on the dresses??

PS - Big thanks to Jodi Lee from Memories by Me Photography for letting us borrow your pics.  I was in such a rush to get these dresses to Courtney that I never actually took pictures of them before they left.  Having now seen Jodi's pics, I'm pretty glad I don't have my mediocre photography skills next to it.  :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Contenders

I'm going to sleep on whether or not we'll do some voting...  Maybe the decision will come to me in my sleep (hey, it was a crazy dream that convinced me that we had the right name for our daughter!).

By the way - thanks again for the suggestions.  I hope you had as much fun with this as we did.  And we're super overwhelmed by al the nice things you had to say about our little company.  Honestly, we sometimes still pinch ourselves that this little business venture is so well received wherever we go.  We don't take for granted that we get to spend our days with our babies, and flex our creative muscles at night while they sleep.  :)

Okay - now for the complete list...
-Snack bag
-Peanut pack
-Play n Pack
-Playful Pack
-Snacky Snack
-Snack-loc bag
-Snacky pack
-Sandwich pack

-mod pod
-In a Nut Shell
-Small Wonder
-Pouchini (preferably said with an Italian accent :)
-Litterless Lock Bag