Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Pool Update

To help keep it simple on who's still in the running in the baby pool, I thought I'd post all the guesses in chronological order.  Still time to make one, too, just leave a note on the Facebook page!

Andrea Miller - Apr 12, boy, 5:30 pm
Jennifer Knutt - Apr 18, girl, 5:36 am
Kathryn Benson - Apr 22, boy, 3:45 pm
Kaitlin Peirson - Apr 23, girl 12:52 pm
Meagan Smolinski - Apr 23, boy, 3:23 pm
Lindsay Wright - Apr 24, boy, 9 am
Tamara Bezemer - Apr 25, boy, 3:19 am
Chelsea Helm - Apr 26, girl, 10:56 am
Adrienne Ashcroft - Apr 27, girl, 2:47 am
Krystal Wylie - Apr 27. boy, 4:12 am
Christine Peters - Apr 27, girl, 1:16 pm
Sharla Davey - Apr 28, boy, 3 pm
Meaghen Jones - Apr 29, girl, 3:33 pm
Tara Elias - Apr 30, boy, 6 pm
Brette Park - Apr 30, girl, 12:30 am
Tannis Wiebe - May 1, girl, 5:16 am
Misty Klassen - May 1, boy, 8:43 am
Amanda Kipe - May 2, boy, 1:23 am
Ashley Myers - May 3, boy, 2:50 am
Tessa Memme - May 4, boy, 3:48 am
Jaclynn Willems - May 5, boy, 11:30 pm

Since it's 8 pm at my house, it looks like Andrea is already out.  Haven't made a guess yet?  You have until noon CST TOMORROW (April 13)!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Baby Pool

Okay, just so we're all on the same page here's how we're going to work the Playful Peanut Baby Pool...

You will be asked to guess THREE things - the baby's sex, the birthdate, and the time.  To win, the first criteria is that you have to match the sex.  THEN you have to match the birthday (or be closest to it) and THEN you have to match the time (just in case we need a tiebreaker).  You have to include your guess for ALL THREE in order to be entered. 

You can post your guesses to our Facebook page, or email them to yourplayfulpeanut@gmail.com. We'll take guesses until noon CST on Wednesday, April 13th.  IF the Peanut Mama happens to go into labour before that (hey, a girl can dream, right?) we'll do a random draw based on ALL entries we've received PRIOR to delivery.

The prize will be FANTASTIC.  I'm feeling a gift certificate coming on...

NOW.  Here's the relevant data (we think, anyhow, feel free to ask more questions :).
-Official due date is April 24th.
-This is baby number 2 for her.  The first one was due May 2.  She went into the hospital to be induced on May 13. She finally had a baby on May 15 (no, that is NOT a typo - I WISH!).
-No braxton hicks, no false labour, no ANYTHING to suggest some fun is on the horizon anytime soon.  Doctor agreed at today's appointment. 
-Peanut Mama is 6 feet tall.  I mention this just because some people feel this gives a woman "more room" for a baby, who therefore won't hurry out.
-Peanut Mama REALLY believes she's having a boy, but her husband wouldn't let her go and find out so she has nothing to go on but her gut instinct.  :)

I will post some photographic proof, but blogger doesn't seem to want to do it right now.  I'll maybe try the Facebook page too.

So, get those guesses in!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Attach of the Giant Snack-Loc Bag!

So, every once in a while we get asked to create something new.  (Well, we actually get asked very often, but sometimes we have to weigh out our workload versus the amount of time it will take to create said new product.  :)  But this week we got one that was an easy yes.  Through playfulpeanut.etsy.com, we had a request for a mini and a giant version of the snack-loc bag.  She'd bought some of our regular sized ones a while back and loved them so much she wanted to add to the collection.  A couple of snips later, the mini snack-loc bag and the giant (gallon-sized) snack-loc bags were born.  At first I wasn't entirely sure what to use a giant snack-loc bag for, but as I was sewing the ideas starting to come...  First off, it would make a great lunch bag.  Second, it would be great for the diaper bag to keep the soother, bottle, medicine, etc all together and protected from whatever else you find at the bottom of your diaper bag (hello spit rags!).  Would work great as a make-up bag, too.  And I think the possibilities for it if you're travelling are endless.

But don't just take our word for it - have a peek for yourself! It measures 10 x 12 inches and functions exactly as a snack-loc bag does (ie, the same high-quality, food-safe liner, the same easy-open velcro top, the same hidden seams and the same ability to pull out the liner and just wipe it instead of having to toss it in the wash every single time). Interested in one for yourself? Drop us a line! yourplayfulpeanut@gmail.com!